Evaluating Old Life Insurance Policies

Not all financial decisions are made with a clean slate.  Nearly everyone we meet has made choices both good and bad.  Our approach has always been to look everything over with a critical but nonjudgmental eye and find the most appropriate way forward for the future.  Often our first opportunity to practice this approach is […]

Property and Casualty Insurance

We all face the threat of a potentially catastrophic event every day, whether at home or at work, and we need financial protection against these inevitable risks.  It’s virtually impossible to avoid risk – the good news is we as individuals and/or organizations have the ability to exchange some of these risks for premium payments […]

Insurance for Small Businesses

As an independent, locally owned firm, we have had the opportunity to learn about insurance needs first hand.  While daunting at times, even for us who help advise others on insurance requirements, once a plan is in place we can personally attest to the peace of mind that it brings.  Many small business owners wear […]

Long Term Care Overview

One of the most intimidating and misunderstood areas in financial planning is Long Term Care Planning. In general, long-term care is classified as ongoing healthcare needs for the basic activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, dressing, and transferring. In most cases, a person who cannot perform even a few of these activities independently […]

Disability Insurance – Protecting Families and Businesses from Disaster

According to the Social Security Administration, just over 1 in 4 of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled before reaching retirement age¹.  With such high odds of experiencing a disability for some period of time, it is clear that financial plans should consider ways to limit the financial impact of disability.  After all, when someone becomes […]

Life Insurance – Protecting Against the Unexpected

Coming in at number two (just behind estate planning) on the list of dreaded-but-necessary financial to-do’s is life insurance, because, let’s be honest, no one wants to reflect on the circumstances in which life insurance would come in handy.  We’ve heard nearly every reason in the book as to what keeps people from getting the […]

Risk Management in Estate Planning

When thinking about estate planning, most people think solely about how their assets will be distributed at their death.  Obviously, that is of primary concern but many of our clients’ estate plans encompass the often-neglected area of risk management.  In each of our lives, there are risks that must be considered and therefore planned around.  […]

The Benefits of a Simplified Estate Plan

Thus far in the Estate Planning section of the Ballast Atheneum, we have discussed an introduction to estate planning, probate, trust planning, and planning for a legacy – all of these topics can be expanded upon significantly.  However, this week we thought it would be important to discuss simplifying an estate plan.  Most estate planners, […]

Charitable Estate Planning

Estate planning can achieve many goals, from simple to complex.  The foundations of good estate plans we have discussed thus far in our Atheneum articles make sure that a family has formalized their personal wishes to make for a graceful transition to the next generation.  Many families wish not only to provide for their next […]

Trusts as Estate Planning Tools

The topic of estate planning is one that many would like to avoid for as long as possible and the reason is pretty simple: most people are reluctant to discuss what Benjamin Franklin referred to as the only two certainties in this world, death and taxes.  This is where a common misconception lies — estate […]

Demystifying Probate

To many people the word probate has a negative connotation.  Due to the fact that many people only experience the probate process one or two times during their entire lifetime (if that!) it is viewed as confusing, expensive, and undesirable.  Many hire an attorney to guide them through the process and if done correctly, one can avoid […]

What Comprises A Sound Estate Plan?

There is no more important aspect to your financial plan than an estate plan.  That might seem to be a shocking statement to some and that is likely because of the misconception of what comprises a comprehensive estate plan.  While most clients come to us focused on their investment portfolio and cash flow needs, we […]