Paying Down Debt vs. Saving for Retirement

Here is one we hear all the time – “How can I save for retirement with all of these monthly debt payments?” For what is seemingly a simple question, the answer can actually be somewhat complicated. Striking the right balance between debt payments and savings contributions will vary with each household and the solution is […]
The Federal Reserve FINALLY Raises Rates
Key Takeaways: Last week, the Federal Reserve raised the Federal Funds Rate by 0.25%. The Federal Reserve is projecting several more rate increases in 2022. The Federal Reserve is confident in a strong US economy and the ability for the economy to withstand higher interest rates. Last week the Federal Reserve raised interest […]
Top 10 Personal Finance Best Practices
As more investors seek out and embrace personalized asset management and individualized financial advice, industry tycoons Vanguard and Russell Investments researched the value created by professional advice. Both companies measured the impact on investor returns when partnering with an advisor who provides skilled management and guidance. Russell Investments identified up to an additional annualized […]
Managing a Household Allocation

One of our mantras in planning is to “Know What You Own.” Peter Lynch popularized this term during his management of a Fidelity mutual fund in the 1980’s, and we think it applies to more than just investments. Your home, your health insurance, your business, and yes, your investments each have features, risks, and opportunities […]
Getting Creative with College Funding
In our previous discussions about college planning, we’ve discussed where and how much to save while acknowledging that these questions require several assumptions. Is it sensible to make saving for college a major financial goal when there’s no guarantee the child will attend? That’s a tough question for families and for this reason, we favor educating […]
The Power of Homeownership
Key Takeaways: Having a fixed-rate mortgage keeps a large portion of your budget constant versus the variability of rental costs Lower expenses in retirement creates more disposable income, greater flexibility in combatting rising costs, and the ability to invest Saving what’s left rarely works – making monthly mortgage payments creates a forced savings vehicle saving […]