How Will the Fed’s Interest Rate Cuts Affect You?

Last week, the Federal Reserve announced its first interest rate cut since the early days of the Pandemic. The highly anticipated rate cut resulted in a 50-basis point (half of one percent) reduction in the Federal Funds Rate, an important overnight borrowing rate set by the Federal Reserve. Outside of Covid, the last time the […]

Doing the Math on Sports Gambling

Want updates and articles like this sent straight to your inbox? Sign up for our newsletter here. Labor Day is in the rearview mirror and for my family that means it is football and tailgating season.  When I feel that fall nip in the air, I feel the urge to light the BBQ smoker and […]

Latest Data on Inflation and Labor Markets Paving the Way for Fed Rate Cuts

Following the weak jobs report that left many on Wall Street questioning the prospects of a “soft landing,” we’ve seen a bit of unrest in markets over the last few weeks.  Remember, a soft landing includes cooling inflation back to the Fed’s 2% target while maintaining a healthy labor market.  With a slight crack showing […]

What Happened in the Markets Last Week?

If you have turned on the news or had a conversation around the water cooler over the past week, you have certainly heard that volatility has returned to the stock market.  Headlines like “Dow sinks more than 1,000 points in global market sell-off” and “Wall Street Hammered Amid Plunging Global Markets” led on all media […]

Who Wants to Talk Politics?

Thanks for taking the bait. Positive stock market performance for 2024 has been celebrated by most investors, but the rationale behind the rally is where we tend to see a spectrum of opinions. I have personally heard clients laud their candidate of choice as the primary tailwind… from both sides of the aisle. It does […]

The Market’s Breadth Still Stinks but Could Relief Be on the Way?

By: Brian T. Burton, CFP®, CIMA®   You’ve probably heard about stock market breadth at this point, it has become quite the talking point amongst financial pundits.  But what exactly is it? The term, market breadth, can simply be defined as how many stocks are participating in an index’s rise or fall, helping to assess […]

Two Ways to Combat Household Inflation

Inflation is not a one-size-fits-all all phenomenon Inflation is the increase in prices over time Increasing prices means decreasing purchasing power How we choose to spend our money dictates how we experience inflation   Inflation has been top of mind for every participant in our economy for three years straight: households, businesses, and policymakers. Inflation […]

Ballast Business Owner Forum

Join us! Business Owner Forum Wednesday, March 27 6:00-7:30 PM We invite you to Ballast for a discussion on topics important to business owners. Connect with other local business owners, hear from industry experts, and learn about how to optimize your business. Topics Include: + What makes businesses attractive to buyers? + What is the […]

The End of an Era – What We are Watching For in ‘24

For many years until the last, investors had been living under the same mantra of “There Is No Alternative” (TINA) to owning equities, helping prop up stock prices as yields on fixed income were too paltry to bother with. Times have changed; TINA ushered out and TARA welcomed in. Positive real rates are achievable, meaning […]

US Markets and Elections – It may matter less than you think.

With the primary season among us, attention is being increasingly paid to the 2024 Presidential election.  Like most historical Presidential elections, emotions and fears of potential political outcomes tend to run high and increase as we approach November.  Political views aside, it is our job to understand the political environment, both historic and current, and […]

End of Year Planning with Cameron and Frank

We’ve entered the 4th quarter! To make the most of your end-of-year, Cameron Hamilton (Director of Financial Planning) and Frank Yozwiak (Director of Estate Planning and Tax) share a few financial best practices and strategies to consider. Topics discussed include: + Cash review and income planning + Roth conversions and tax harvesting + Retirement contributions […]

The Latest on Inflation/Rates and Where We Go from Here

Without question, over the past year, the most common topic we have discussed with clients is inflation and rates.  Whether you are in retirement, peak accumulation years, or just starting out, inflation has impacted everyone… from raised costs at the grocery store, to travel, to even attending a sporting event.  Fortunately, there are increasing signs […]