Resources 2

Wealth Management FINANCIAL PLANNING Portfolio / Investment Management Financial Planning Budgeting Cash Flow Debt Management Education Saving Estate Planning Monte Carlo Retirement Social Security Tax Planning Portfolio / Investment Management Asset Allocation Security Selection Tax Management Fiduciary Consulting Private Client Consulting Strategic Financial Leadership Private Client Consulting Career Counseling Center of Influence Charitable Giving Long […]

Getting Creative with College Funding

In our previous discussions about college planning, we’ve discussed where and how much to save while acknowledging that these questions require several assumptions.  Is it sensible to make saving for college a major financial goal when there’s no guarantee the child will attend?  That’s a tough question for families and for this reason, we favor educating […]

Balancing Saving and Giving

Most of our clients aspire to be financially self-sufficient.  As those clients age, we notice some amount of transition into wanting to benefit others with accumulated resources.  This giving can range from donations to charities of interest to paying for a grandchild’s education to helping a friend in need.   We have been fortunate since the […]

Retirement Saving Myths and Misconceptions

We are fortunate to have a very educated and knowledgeable client base, but we are consistently surprised by the myths and misconceptions clients and prospects bring to the conversation. Below I have listed my Top 7 Myths and Misconceptions About Retirement Savings; it is by no means a complete list but highlights the most common […]

How Will A Bear Market Affect Your Plan?

In this week’s edition of the Ballast Atheneum, I am going to explore a subject no one wants to see but we all must prepare for; Will my portfolio survive a bear market?  Fortunately, we can use some of our technology tools, specifically, Monte Carlo analysis to determine how prepared a client is for a […]

The Hidden Benefits of Saving Early in Life

We’re all aware that saving for retirement is not a strong suit for many Americans.  There is no end to the alarming statistics regarding our lack of preparedness for when it’s finally time to call it a day.  The most recent head-scratcher I came across was a survey done by J.P. Morgan Asset Management and […]

Cash Flow Autopilot

The Ballast Atheneum has focused on many aspects of cash flow planning, including budgeting, retirement savings vs. paying down debt, costs of vehicle ownership, and cash flow planning vs. long-term care.  This article shares a case study that we try to create for working clients.  We have implemented this Retirement Autopilot for many people and […]

The Forgotten Costs of Car Ownership

Key Takeaways: As we continue to discuss cash flow topics in our Ballast Atheneum, we considered it relevant to discuss car related payments.  Among the more common things we find that tends to break a budget are the often-forgotten costs of car ownership.  It’s easy to remember the monthly loan or lease payments, insurance premiums, […]

Paying Down Debt vs. Saving for Retirement

Here is one we hear all the time – “How can I save for retirement with all of these monthly debt payments?”  For what is seemingly a simple question, the answer can actually be somewhat complicated.  Striking the right balance between debt payments and savings contributions will vary with each household and the solution is […]

Cash Flow – The “B” Word

For many individuals, families, and even companies, the infamous “B” word causes undo stress, and anxiety, and at times, can even lead to arguments. As we look at our financial goals, many lists reference this “B” word as something they hope to achieve or implement. Today we will discuss the core of cash flow planning… BUDGETING! Budgeting […]

The Flexibility of Being Debt-Free

In our previous Atheneum commentaries on debt we’ve covered a myriad of topics including, good vs. bad debt, prioritizing debt payoff, and different mortgage planning strategies.  We hope these commentaries have helped shed light on what we consider one of the most important topics in financial planning – debt analysis.  Today we discuss what for […]

Prioritizing Debt Payoff

Key Takeaways: In our first Atheneum article on debt, Brian discussed the difference between good and bad debts.  He defined good debts as those that will appreciate or help grow your net worth over time, such as mortgage, education, and business investment.  This is great advice for anyone considering taking on new debt.  Unfortunately, we don’t […]