Second Mortgage Planning Strategies
Home Equity Loan vs. Home Equity Line of Credit For many households in America, the equity built in their home is one of their largest assets on their balance sheets. Historically, this asset has provided growth in value, as well as an opportunity to obtain a secured loan from a bank for short-term or long-term […]
Early Mortgage Payoff
Although we spend a large majority of our time planning our clients’ investment portfolios, we believe advising on the entire client balance sheet is just as important. On the liability side of the balance sheet, a client’s primary mortgage is often a major talking point. The last decade has allowed homeowners ample opportunity to refinance […]
Prioritizing Debt Payoff
Key Takeaways: In our first Atheneum article on debt, Brian discussed the difference between good and bad debts. He defined good debts as those that will appreciate or help grow your net worth over time, such as mortgage, education, and business investment. This is great advice for anyone considering taking on new debt. Unfortunately, we don’t […]
When is Debt OK and When is it Not?
An amount of money borrowed by one party from another – the basic definition of debt sounds neither good nor bad and leaves many wondering – how do I determine if taking on debt is worth the risk? Although the answer is not always crystal clear, most debts can be defined as either positive or […]
Planning for “Fixed” Income During Retirement
Fixed Income in retirement can come from many different sources of assets. It may be a pension, real estate rental income, bond/CD ladder, annuity, Social Security, or even an income-yielding individual bond. In all scenarios, using “fixed” income as retirement income comes with many different benefits and risks. While it is very situationally dependent, in […]
Benefits of Multiple Income Streams at Retirement
In our second Atheneum article for this quarter’s Retirement Income subject, we discuss the benefit of having multiple income streams during retirement. To understand the advantage of having multiple income streams, it is important to first understand one of the most important factors that affects portfolio longevity when taking income: sequence risk. According to Investopedia, […]
The Importance of Tax Diversification
When most people think of diversification, they primarily focus on a proper mix of portfolio assets. As we have noted in the past, we target an asset mix of non-correlating assets for our clients. This could include stock, exchange traded funds, mutual funds, REITs, etc. However, one area of diversification that is often ignored is […]
Evaluating Old Life Insurance Policies
Not all financial decisions are made with a clean slate. Nearly everyone we meet has made choices both good and bad. Our approach has always been to look everything over with a critical but nonjudgmental eye and find the most appropriate way forward for the future. Often our first opportunity to practice this approach is […]
Long Term Care Overview
One of the most intimidating and misunderstood areas in financial planning is Long Term Care Planning. In general, long-term care is classified as ongoing healthcare needs for the basic activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, dressing, and transferring. In most cases, a person who cannot perform even a few of these activities independently […]
Life Insurance – Protecting Against the Unexpected
Coming in at number two (just behind estate planning) on the list of dreaded-but-necessary financial to-do’s is life insurance, because, let’s be honest, no one wants to reflect on the circumstances in which life insurance would come in handy. We’ve heard nearly every reason in the book as to what keeps people from getting the […]
Charitable Estate Planning
Estate planning can achieve many goals, from simple to complex. The foundations of good estate plans we have discussed thus far in our Atheneum articles make sure that a family has formalized their personal wishes to make for a graceful transition to the next generation. Many families wish not only to provide for their next […]
What Comprises A Sound Estate Plan?
There is no more important aspect to your financial plan than an estate plan. That might seem to be a shocking statement to some and that is likely because of the misconception of what comprises a comprehensive estate plan. While most clients come to us focused on their investment portfolio and cash flow needs, we […]