Life Insurance – Protecting Against the Unexpected
Coming in at number two (just behind estate planning) on the list of dreaded-but-necessary financial to-do’s is life insurance, because, let’s be honest, no one wants to reflect on the circumstances in which life insurance would come in handy. We’ve heard nearly every reason in the book as to what keeps people from getting the […]
The Similarities Between Running and Saving
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu It’s race season. With the Bluegrass 10k and other races in Lexington approaching, there has been much discussion about training and running plans in the office. This recent talk about running made me realize that achieving a financial goal is […]
Asset Allocation Factors: Time and Emotion
When we meet with a new client, one of our tasks is to determine an appropriate asset allocation for the funds they invest. At a very basic level, the question we are trying to answer is “what percentage of the investment portfolio will be comprised of equities (stocks), and what percentage will be fixed-income (bonds)?” […]
Planning Opportunities with SECURE Act 2.0
SECURE Act 2.0 is good for retirement savers. Key Takeaways: RMD Age Delayed from 72 to 73, then 75 for those born in 1960 & later Expanded Roth savings opportunities Expanded savings opportunities, especially for pre-retirees It’s becoming a holiday tradition. On the morning of Christmas eve, I sat down to a cup […]
Review Your Benefits as You Progress Through Life
Key Takeaways: For many in the workforce, their employers provide them with benefits up and above their salary. Life and disability insurance are very common examples (Note: health insurance is also a very common example but will be addressed in a later article). Many times, these benefits show up as a simple line item on […]
Cash Flow Autopilot
The Ballast Atheneum has focused on many aspects of cash flow planning, including budgeting, retirement savings vs. paying down debt, costs of vehicle ownership, and cash flow planning vs. long-term care. This article shares a case study that we try to create for working clients. We have implemented this Retirement Autopilot for many people and […]
Alternative Uses of Social Security Income
Key Takeaways: Many unique situations could justify taking Social Security earlier. The psychological benefits of a new income stream can relieve anxiety around a new planning strategy. To take Social Security before age 70, the financial and non-financial benefits of claiming Social Security early should outweigh the benefits of deferral. If you […]
Simplify Budgeting to One Key Number
“Where does the money go?” is a question we, unfortunately, hear all too often when discussing budgeting and cash flow. Often the only thing simple about a family’s cash flow is that it is simply confusing. Let’s look at how we help simplify complicated family finances into one key number. Often times we see clients […]
Educating Your Next Generation
Key Takeaways: Our most successful planning relationships are those in which we work with our client’s other professional advisors – and their children and heirs as well. Involving heirs in your financial and estate planning makes the next generation’s estate administration job much easier. You do not have to tell them every detail, but at […]
Alternative Uses of Social Security Income
Key Takeaways: If you live a longer than average life, you will very likely receive more in Social Security if you wait until age 70 to claim. However, in numerous situations, we have advocated for earlier enrollment if the client’s situation justifies doing so. In most of these instances, the rationale is a combination of […]
Behavioral Finance and Asset Allocation
Summary Points: We simply have to watch money flow to know how “average investors” behave. Investor emotions typically run opposite to sound decision making. Sound allocation planning can provide other positive impacts on your overall plan. An emotional investor is very likely to make poor decisions over his or her financial life. Various […]
Behavioral Finance and Asset Allocation
Summary Points: We simply have to watch money flow to know how “average investors” behave. Investor emotions typically run opposite to sound decision making. Sound allocation planning can provide other positive impacts on your overall plan. An emotional investor is very likely to make poor decisions over his or her financial life. Various […]