The Forgotten Costs of Car Ownership
Key Takeaways: As we continue to discuss cash flow topics in our Ballast Atheneum, we considered it relevant to discuss car related payments. Among the more common things we find that tends to break a budget are the often-forgotten costs of car ownership. It’s easy to remember the monthly loan or lease payments, insurance premiums, […]
Paying Down Debt vs. Saving for Retirement
Here is one we hear all the time – “How can I save for retirement with all of these monthly debt payments?” For what is seemingly a simple question, the answer can actually be somewhat complicated. Striking the right balance between debt payments and savings contributions will vary with each household and the solution is […]
Cash Flow – The “B” Word
For many individuals, families, and even companies, the infamous “B” word causes undo stress, and anxiety, and at times, can even lead to arguments. As we look at our financial goals, many lists reference this “B” word as something they hope to achieve or implement. Today we will discuss the core of cash flow planning… BUDGETING! Budgeting […]
Student Debt Options for Graduates
Although a minority of our clients have student debt, those that do not almost always have children or grandchildren planning on attending college. Costs of college attendance have inflated so fast that we discuss it with parents of newborns. We’re seeing a steady increase of borrowers with six figure debt levels, making student debt repayment […]
The Flexibility of Being Debt-Free
In our previous Atheneum commentaries on debt we’ve covered a myriad of topics including, good vs. bad debt, prioritizing debt payoff, and different mortgage planning strategies. We hope these commentaries have helped shed light on what we consider one of the most important topics in financial planning – debt analysis. Today we discuss what for […]
Second Mortgage Planning Strategies
Home Equity Loan vs. Home Equity Line of Credit For many households in America, the equity built in their home is one of their largest assets on their balance sheets. Historically, this asset has provided growth in value, as well as an opportunity to obtain a secured loan from a bank for short-term or long-term […]
When is Debt OK and When is it Not?
An amount of money borrowed by one party from another – the basic definition of debt sounds neither good nor bad and leaves many wondering – how do I determine if taking on debt is worth the risk? Although the answer is not always crystal clear, most debts can be defined as either positive or […]
Planning for RMDs
The vast majority of people save the bulk of their retirement funds in qualified retirement accounts (401ks, 403bs, etc.) and IRAs. Through regular saving and long-term growth of the investments inside these accounts, a typical account holder hopes to develop some type of an income stream during their retirement years. According to the US Census […]
Evaluating Old Life Insurance Policies
Not all financial decisions are made with a clean slate. Nearly everyone we meet has made choices both good and bad. Our approach has always been to look everything over with a critical but nonjudgmental eye and find the most appropriate way forward for the future. Often our first opportunity to practice this approach is […]
Disability Insurance – Protecting Families and Businesses from Disaster
According to the Social Security Administration, just over 1 in 4 of today’s 20-year-olds will become disabled before reaching retirement age¹. With such high odds of experiencing a disability for some period of time, it is clear that financial plans should consider ways to limit the financial impact of disability. After all, when someone becomes […]
Life Insurance – Protecting Against the Unexpected
Coming in at number two (just behind estate planning) on the list of dreaded-but-necessary financial to-do’s is life insurance, because, let’s be honest, no one wants to reflect on the circumstances in which life insurance would come in handy. We’ve heard nearly every reason in the book as to what keeps people from getting the […]
The Benefits of a Simplified Estate Plan
Thus far in the Estate Planning section of the Ballast Atheneum, we have discussed an introduction to estate planning, probate, trust planning, and planning for a legacy – all of these topics can be expanded upon significantly. However, this week we thought it would be important to discuss simplifying an estate plan. Most estate planners, […]