Families & Individuals

“…As a long-term client, we would enthusiastically recommend Ballast to any family looking to have a tailored long-term partnership…”

This testimonial is from a client of Ballast, Inc. Clients are not compensated for sharing their opinions and experiences with our firm.  Any compensation creates a conflict of interest and any client’s comments may not be representative of any other person’s experience with the firm.

Whether you have already accumulated assets or are a high-income earner planning for retirement, we can be your team. Our relationship and advice go beyond simple wealth management. We provide a holistic approach to financial planning and advise on all aspects of life that influence your financial life.

Financial Leadership
  • Financial Continuity for Surviving Spouse
  • Financial Continuity for Children
  • Establish, Implement, and Monitor a Financial Plan
  • Identifying Areas of Vulnerability from Financial Biases
  • Proactive Financial Guidance
Personal Finances
  • Job Change Analysis
  • Salary/Bonus Change Planning
  • Transitioning from Two Incomes to One
  • Allocate Bonuses Between Savings and Spending
  • Business/Entrepreneurial Start Up Advice
Investment Management
  • Asset Allocation Analysis & Risk Assessment
  • Invest Around Concentrated Stock Positions
  • Portfolio Rebalance
  • Monitor Lifetime Allocation Adjustments
  • Assess New Strategies/Products/Laws
Accountability Partner
  • Set and Monitor Goals
  • Align Spending Habits with Values & Personal Goals
  • Balance Savings with Current Budget
  • Establish Savings for Aspirational Purchases
  • Provide Long-Term Discipline
Behavioral Finance
  • Brainstorm & Develop Financial/Life Goals
  • Financial Coaching for Transition to Retirement
  • Identify Biases Towards Money & Personal Finances
  • Support Overcoming Financial Biases
  • Provide Peace of Mind for Financial Freedom
Cash Flow Planning
  • Allocate to Savings vs. Debt vs. Spending
  • Create and Revise a Budget
  • Establish Strategies for Variable Income
  • Pre-Determine Allocation of Bonuses
  • Establish a Guilt Free Spending Structure
Retirement Savings
  • Establish Savings Structure to Meet Retirement Goals
  • Savings with an Anticipation of a Windfall/Inheritance
  • Navigate Tax-Structured Accounts (Roth, Pre-Tax, & Taxable)
  • Consideration of Mega Backdoor Roth Strategy
  • Potential Inheritance Considerations
Retirement Income Planning
  • Establish Retirement Timing Dates
  • Portfolio Withdrawal Strategies
  • Tax Optimization Strategies
  • Coordinate Income with Tax-Sensitive Items
  • Inheritance Assumption/Planning Techniques
Retirement Income Considerations
  • Guidance on Rental Real Estate Income
  • Pension Claiming and Timing Strategies
  • Annuity Income Strategies
  • Coordinate Part-Time Employment with Retirement Income
  • Professional Consulting Post Career
Tax Planning - Income
  • Plan for Current Year Tax Changes
  • Tax Withholding/Payment Guidance
  • Review Annual Tax Return
  • Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax Planning
  • Tax Planning Across Multiple Income Streams
Tax Planning - Lifetime Optimization
  • Roth Conversion Analysis
  • Tax Bracket Management
  • Annual Standard/Itemized Deduction Analysis
  • Identify Individual Risk to Tax Rate Changes in Retirement
  • Lifetime Tax Projections
Tax Planning - Investments
  • Net Investment Income Tax Planning
  • Tax Loss Harvesting Analysis
  • 0% Gains Harvesting
  • Stock Option Planning
  • Restricted Stock Unit Planning
Family Finances
  • Guidance for Aging Parents
  • Adult Children Support
  • Marriage/Divorce Planning
  • Adoption Planning
  • Vehicle Purchase vs. Lease
Legacy Planning
  • Review Bequest Planning
  • Inheritance Structures for Next Generation
  • Review Potential Trust Options
  • Lifetime vs. Legacy Gifts Consideration
  • Trust Protection for Younger Generations
Estate Planning
  • Federal Estate Tax Planning/Analysis
  • Intra-Family Loan Planning
  • Funding of Trusts/Re-Titling of Assets
  • Surviving Spouse Planning
  • State Estate Tax Planning/Analysis
Cash Savings Planning
  • Establish Cash Balance for Short-Term Goals
  • Optimize Returns on Cash Holdings
  • Provide FDIC Insurance Guidance
  • Career/Income Change Plan
  • Establish, Monitor, Analyze Emergency Fund Needs
Charitable Planning
  • Selection of Appreciated Stock Gifts
  • Gift Bunching Strategies
  • Lifetime Charitable Planning Guidance
  • Donor Advised Funds vs. Endowment Guidance
  • Legacy and Lifetime Gifting
Monte Carlo Testing
  • Retirement Lifestyle Goal Planning
  • Retirement Cash Flow Analysis
  • Multiple Scenario Planning & Testing
  • Retirement Savings Analysis
  • RMD Planning/Execution
Aging Retiree Guidance
  • Resource for Aging Retirees
  • Oversight of Financials for Aging People
  • Resource for Adult Children Caring for Parents
  • Oversight to Help Avoid Financial Fraud
  • Housing Transition Assistance
Access to Professional Network
  • CPA/Tax Preparer
  • Estate/Business Attorney
  • Banker/Lender
  • Realtor
  • Insurance Agent 
Social Security
  • Income Timing
  • Spousal Benefits Planning
  • Guidance on Long-Term Risks Associated with Claiming Decisions
  • Legal Changes to Benefits
  • Special Use Income Targeting Strategy
Debt Management
  • Establish a Debt Payoff Plan
  • Allocate Overpayment of Debt Priorities
  • Student Loan Debt Guidance
  • Debt Payoff vs. Cash Investment with Extra Cash
  • Pay Off Margin Interest Balance
Mortgage Analysis
  • Early Mortgage Payoff Analysis
  • Home Buy vs. Rent
  • Second Home Planning
  • HELOC vs. Second Mortgage Analysis
  • Refinance Analysis
Employee Benefits Planning
  • Open Enrollment Planning
  • Group Insurance vs. Individually Owned Insurance
  • Retirement Plan Analysis
  • Employee Stock Purchase Plan Analysis
  • Analyze Fringe Benefits
Health Insurance
  • HDHP with HSA vs Low-Deductible Health Insurance
  • Medicare Analysis
  • Invest HSA Funds
  • Evaluate Employer Health Insurance & Medicare
  • Align Years of High Medical Costs with a Low-Deductible Plan
Estate Planning - Documents
  • Create/Review Will
  • Create/Review Power of Attorney
  • Create/Review Healthcare Proxy
  • Create/Review the Advance Directive
  • Guidance on Pre/Post-Nuptial Agreements
Education Planning
  • College Savings Analysis
  • College Saving & Funding Strategies
  • Grandparent Financial Assistance Guidance
  • FAFSA Form Support
  • Cash Flow Savings During College Years
Insurance Planning
  • Life Insurance Coverage Needs Assessment
  • Analyze Existing Permanent Insurance
  • Long-Term Care Insurance Analysis
  • Disability Insurance
  • Umbrella Insurance Analysis
Liability Insurance
  • Homeowners Insurance
  • Auto Insurance
  • Umbrella Insurance Analysis
  • Board Member Insurance
  • Professional Insurance


Educating Your Next Generation

Key Takeaways: Our most successful planning relationships are those in which we work with our client’s other professional advisors – and their children and heirs

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How Much Cash Should I Hold?

Key Takeaways Rising inflation increases the opportunity cost of holding cash We believe the benefits of cash outweigh any loss in purchasing power Market drawdowns

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To learn more about ways we can help, visit our Resources page or schedule a call.