The Similarities Between Running and Saving
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu It’s race season. With the Bluegrass 10k and other races in Lexington approaching, there has been much discussion about training and running plans in the office. This recent talk about running made me realize that achieving a financial goal is […]
Cash Flow Planning
The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning. Today, the focus is on Cash Flow. Cash flow planning is perhaps the most fundamental building block of financial planning. You need to have the money in to cover required expenses, entertainment, and saving for future […]
Debt Analysis
The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning. Today, the focus is on DEBT. Debt. It’s a subject that not many people really enjoy talking about, but it’s a reality for nearly all of us. Whether it’s “good” debt in the form of a […]
Estate Planning
The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning. Today, the focus is on Estate Planning. Estate planning is no longer reserved exclusively for the ultra-wealthy. An estate plan is an integral part of any sound financial plan. Whether it’s a last will, a simple testamentary […]
Zero-Based Budgeting for Individuals and Households
Key Takeaways: In Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB), you start your budget from zero, then only add in what is truly needed. ZBB is not only useful in a business environment, but also for individuals and households. ZBB is a great way to determine whether your spending is aligned with your goals, priorities, and values. […]
Cash Flow Autopilot
The Ballast Atheneum has focused on many aspects of cash flow planning, including budgeting, retirement savings vs. paying down debt, costs of vehicle ownership, and cash flow planning vs. long-term care. This article shares a case study that we try to create for working clients. We have implemented this Retirement Autopilot for many people and […]
Simplify Budgeting to One Key Number
“Where does the money go?” is a question we, unfortunately, hear all too often when discussing budgeting and cash flow. Often the only thing simple about a family’s cash flow is that it is simply confusing. Let’s look at how we help simplify complicated family finances into one key number. Often times we see clients […]
Most Couples Shouldn’t BOTH Delay Social Security

Key Takeaways: Two-income households have more complex Social Security timing decisions The higher-earning spouse generally benefits from delaying payments The lower-earning spouse generally benefits from starting payments early We’ve written a previous breakdown on the Social Security timing decision. Briefly, between ages 62-70, if you delay taking income, your monthly benefit grows. We discussed that […]
Cash Flow – The “B” Word
For many individuals, families, and even companies, the infamous “B” word causes undo stress, and anxiety, and at times, can even lead to arguments. As we look at our financial goals, many lists reference this “B” word as something they hope to achieve or implement. Today we will discuss the core of cash flow planning… BUDGETING! […]
How Much Cash Should I Hold?
Key Takeaways Rising inflation increases the opportunity cost of holding cash We believe the benefits of cash outweigh any loss in purchasing power Market drawdowns like today are relatively good times for long-term investment The question we are getting more than any other these days is, “What should I do with […]
Top 10 Personal Finance Best Practices
As more investors seek out and embrace personalized asset management and individualized financial advice, industry tycoons Vanguard and Russell Investments researched the value created by professional advice. Both companies measured the impact on investor returns when partnering with an advisor who provides skilled management and guidance. Russell Investments identified up to an additional annualized […]
Managing a Household Allocation

One of our mantras in planning is to “Know What You Own.” Peter Lynch popularized this term during his management of a Fidelity mutual fund in the 1980’s, and we think it applies to more than just investments. Your home, your health insurance, your business, and yes, your investments each have features, risks, and opportunities […]