Two Ways to Combat Household Inflation
Inflation is not a one-size-fits-all all phenomenon Inflation is the increase in prices over time Increasing prices means decreasing purchasing power How we choose to spend our money dictates how we experience inflation Inflation has been top of mind for every participant in our economy for three years straight: households, businesses, and policymakers. Inflation […]
End of Year Planning with Cameron and Frank
We’ve entered the 4th quarter! To make the most of your end-of-year, Cameron Hamilton (Director of Financial Planning) and Frank Yozwiak (Director of Estate Planning and Tax) share a few financial best practices and strategies to consider. Topics discussed include: + Cash review and income planning + Roth conversions and tax harvesting + Retirement contributions […]
Medical Professionals
COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES “…They assist with advice and solutions that meet our unique situation…” This testimonial is from a client of Ballast, Inc. Clients are not compensated for sharing their opinions and experiences with our firm. Any compensation creates a conflict of interest and any client’s comments may not be representative of any other person’s experience […]
Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES “…The professionals at Ballast, with their expertise and knowledge, were able to prepare our businesses for a safe and secure transition…” This testimonial is from a client of Ballast, Inc. Clients are not compensated for sharing their opinions and experiences with our firm. Any compensation creates a conflict of interest and any client’s […]
Non-Profits & Charitable Organizations
COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES “…our needs are met as individuals and not by a “one size fit all” approach…” Ballast advisors have a devotion to giving back to the community. As such, we have vast experience with the non-profit and charitable communities. We are equipped with knowledge to help advise organizations like yours across multiple facets from […]
Families & Individuals
COMPREHENSIVE SERVICES Families & Individuals “…As a long-term client, we would enthusiastically recommend Ballast to any family looking to have a tailored long-term partnership…” This testimonial is from a client of Ballast, Inc. Clients are not compensated for sharing their opinions and experiences with our firm. Any compensation creates a conflict of interest and any […]
Resources 2
Wealth Management FINANCIAL PLANNING Portfolio / Investment Management Financial Planning Budgeting Cash Flow Debt Management Education Saving Estate Planning Monte Carlo Retirement Social Security Tax Planning Portfolio / Investment Management Asset Allocation Security Selection Tax Management Fiduciary Consulting Private Client Consulting Strategic Financial Leadership Private Client Consulting Career Counseling Center of Influence Charitable Giving Long […]
Putting a Value on Your Social Security Benefits
Key Takeaways: As a child, getting to check the mailbox each day was likely an experience filled with joy. You were likely hopeful that just one piece of mail would have your name on it. Fast forward a few years, and that excitement has been replaced by reluctance. We all know what lies waiting. With […]
College Savings Vehicles
So often in life and in financial planning, perfect can be the enemy of good. This is certainly the case when it comes to saving for college. There are many ways to go about it, but the most important choice is the choice to begin saving. Nonetheless, we often meet parents of five- and ten-year-old […]
The Complicated Calculations of College Costs
Parents of college-bound students are dealing with a chicken-or-egg dilemma. When it comes to student aid calculations, it just about requires a Ph.D. to understand how to fund a Ph.D. Different schools use different methods to evaluate different families, and when they get the results, they interpret them differently! Let’s wade into the wishy-washy world […]
Getting Creative with College Funding
In our previous discussions about college planning, we’ve discussed where and how much to save while acknowledging that these questions require several assumptions. Is it sensible to make saving for college a major financial goal when there’s no guarantee the child will attend? That’s a tough question for families and for this reason, we favor educating […]
The Cost of a Spent Dollar – What Could an Investment Have Become Through the Years
As we discuss retirement savings, one aspect that is worthy of consideration is the weighing of alternatives. Hindsight is always 20/20, but let’s consider the cost of a spent dollar throughout the years. Essentially, if you had $X in a given year, what is something that you could have purchased during that year compared to […]