December Market Update 2022

    During the Ballast Open House last week, the advisors led a brief market update and economic discussion for those in attendance. This video was recorded live in the Ballast Conference Room with a full audience. Listen as they share current market conditions, financial planning strategies, and updates. Advisors: John Boardman, CFP®, Founder and […]

Should Business Owners Raise Their Salary to Earn More Social Security?

Key Takeaways: Lower taxes are better, right?  We spend a great deal of time planning around the tax code to help people accomplish their goals in the most tax-efficient manner.  However, lowering taxes today often has consequences down the road.  Sometimes there is a clear mathematical break-even, and other times a complex web of behavioral […]

Evaluating a Pension Buyout

Key Takeaways:   Calculating the “hurdle rate” of return is an important first step in determining whether staying in the pension or taking a lump sum is the best option for you. Beyond the math, there are other big-picture variables that should be considered before deciding. The pension vs. lump sum decision should be made […]

Year-End Financial Planning & Investments Among Market Volatility

By: Andy Reynolds, CFP®, MBA COO/Partner – Ballast, Inc. With the recent stock market volatility, many investors have, and understandably so, buried their heads in the sand, shredding investment statements without looking and focusing outside of their financial life. While many choose to simply not look, the volatility provides significant opportunities for financial improvement, several of […]

The Investor Taxation Lifecycle

We are not CPAs nor are we tax preparers, but a great deal of our time is spent working with clients and their professionals honing a financial plan that is tax efficient.  We advise our clients to hire a CPA with whom we can work together to manage their financial plans.  The financial plan and […]

Evaluation of a Job Offer

Key Takeaways – The following considerations must be made when reviewing an opportunity to take a new job or leave a W2 salary to start a business.   Nearly 93% of Americans earn income outside their primary job1. What are all the aspects of my compensation package?  This includes salary and other benefits such as […]

Employee Stock Ownership & Options

Key Takeaways:   Company stock plans & stock options have many customizable details Employees should understand their stock plan’s features & tax consequences With correct utilization, employee stock can meaningfully increase compensation     When evaluating a job offer, it is best not to focus only on salary or an hourly wage.  We have the […]

Cash Flow Autopilot

The Ballast Atheneum has focused on many aspects of cash flow planning, including budgeting, retirement savings vs. paying down debt, costs of vehicle ownership, and cash flow planning vs. long-term care.  This article shares a case study that we try to create for working clients.  We have implemented this Retirement Autopilot for many people and […]

Should Business Owners Raise Their Salary to Earn More Social Security?

Key Takeaways: Pass-through entity owners can choose to take profits as wages or distributions Increasing owner salary raises payroll tax liability but also increases future Social Security benefits Older owners and owners with non-working spouses and/or incomplete earnings records stand to benefit the most from increasing their salaries       Lower taxes are better, […]

Alternative Uses of Social Security Income

Key Takeaways:   Many unique situations could justify taking Social Security earlier. The psychological benefits of a new income stream can relieve anxiety around a new planning strategy. To take Social Security before age 70, the financial and non-financial benefits of claiming Social Security early should outweigh the benefits of deferral.     If you […]

When Too Much Tax Deferral Becomes Counterproductive

Most of us have been told from early on in our careers to defer as much income as possible to ensure we’ll be properly prepared for retirement.  While not bad advice, most of these strategies involve only qualified deferrals, meaning all income tax gets punted until the distribution phase.  Now, if you end up in […]

Student Loan Forgiveness Best Practices

Key Takeaways: Federal student debt cancellation up to $10,000 ($20,000 for Pell grant recipients) Cancellation limited by income ($125,000 single, $250,000 for married couples) Limited PSLF Waiver ends October 31, 2022; review your eligibility     This past Wednesday, the President announced a student debt cancellation plan. Unfortunately for borrowers hopeful to log in to their […]