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Andy Reynolds
Brian Burton
Cameron Hamilton
Frank Yozwiak
John Boardman
Team Ballast
Second Mortgage Planning Strategies
Home Equity Loan vs. Home Equity Line of Credit For many households in America, the equity built in their home is one of their...
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Early Mortgage Payoff
Although we spend a large majority of our time planning our clients’ investment portfolios, we believe advising on the entire...
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Prioritizing Debt Payoff
Key Takeaways: Living within your means is a prerequisite to being able to pay down debt Tackling small debts first can establish...
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When is Debt OK and When is it Not?
Although it’s not always obvious, most debts can be defined as either positive or negative for your overall financial situation Not...
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Planning for “Fixed” Income During Retirement
Fixed income during retirement can help provide stability to a retirement income structure, with less dependence on the stock...
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Planning for RMDs
The vast majority of people save the bulk of their retirement funds in qualified retirement accounts (401ks, 403bs, etc.) and...
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Evaluating Pension Options
Each year we are seeing fewer workers covered by a company pension plan.  Overwhelmingly companies are trending away from...
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Determining a Healthy Withdrawal Rate
One of the more arduous tasks facing retirees and soon-to-be retirees is trying to determine how much money can be withdrawn from...
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Benefits of Multiple Income Streams at Retirement
In our second Atheneum article for this quarter’s Retirement Income subject, we discuss the benefit of having multiple income...
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The Importance of Tax Diversification
When most people think of diversification, they primarily focus on a proper mix of portfolio assets.  As we have noted in...
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Evaluating Old Life Insurance Policies
Not all financial decisions are made with a clean slate.  Nearly everyone we meet has made choices both good and bad. ...
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Property and Casualty Insurance
We all face the threat of a potentially catastrophic event every day, whether at home or at work, and we need financial protection...
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We created a resource to help you succeed in your personal financial journey.

The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning.