We keep informed on the latest trends and market insights so we can offer you the best opportunities, support and expertise – whenever you need it.



Andy Reynolds
Brian Burton
Cameron Hamilton
Frank Yozwiak
John Boardman
Team Ballast
Mid-Year Market Update with John, Andy, and Brian
John Boardman (CEO/Founder), Andy Reynolds (COO/Partner), and Brian Burton (Director of Portfolio Strategy) sat down to discuss...
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Most Couples Shouldn’t BOTH Delay Social Security
Key Takeaways: Two-income households have more complex Social Security timing decisions The higher-earning spouse generally...
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Evaluation of a Job Offer
Key Takeaways – The following considerations must be made when reviewing an opportunity to take a new job or leave a W2 salary...
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The Similarities Between Running and Saving
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu   It’s race season. With the Bluegrass 10k and other...
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Evaluating a Pension Buyout
Key Takeaways: Calculating the “hurdle rate” of return is an important first step in determining whether staying in the pension...
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Diworsification – Can You Take Diversification Too Far?
Key Takeaways: Diversification can be overdone – there is a point where adding another investment to your portfolio can be...
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Artificial Intelligence Wrote this Commentary in 5 Minutes
By: Cameron Hamilton, CFP®, MBA   Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will Improve Productivity Tools are Publicly...
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Cash Flow Planning
The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning. Today, the focus...
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Debt Analysis
The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning. Today, the focus...
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Pre-RMD & Social Security Roth Conversions
Key Takeaways: Roth conversions should be especially considered if retired and not yet 70 years old. Withdrawing pre-tax...
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Retirement Savings
The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning. Today, the focus...
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Asset Allocation Factors: Time and Emotion
When we meet with a new client, one of our tasks is to determine an appropriate asset allocation for the funds they invest. ...
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We created a resource to help you succeed in your personal financial journey.

The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning.