We keep informed on the latest trends and market insights so we can offer you the best opportunities, support and expertise – whenever you need it.



Andy Reynolds
Brian Burton
Cameron Hamilton
Frank Yozwiak
John Boardman
Team Ballast
The End of an Era – What We are Watching For in ‘24
For many years until the last, investors had been living under the same mantra of “There Is No Alternative” (TINA) to owning equities,...
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US Markets and Elections – It may matter less than you think.
With the primary season among us, attention is being increasingly paid to the 2024 Presidential election.  Like most historical...
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Beware of Dots
The Federal Reserve Dot Plot has a shaky ten-year history The Dot Plot shows the Fed’s expectations of future interest rates Since...
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The Importance of Asset Allocation and Diversification
As we flip the calendar and enter 2024, many people create New Year’s Resolutions, largely designed to improve an aspect of their...
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Is Bad News in the Economy Actually Good News for Markets?
The notion of a slowing economy equating to rising stock prices qualifies as counterintuitive, but that is exactly what we’ve...
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The Markets & Economy – A Diverging Narrative
With the S&P 500 and Nasdaq both entering “Correction Territory,” the media has once again focused its attention on markets...
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Is it Time to Cash in I-Bonds?
The golden deal of I Bonds has subsided.   Watch Cameron here: https://youtube.com/shorts/HbPnqumYc9Q?feature=share   As...
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End of Year Planning with Cameron and Frank
We’ve entered the 4th quarter! To make the most of your end-of-year, Cameron Hamilton (Director of Financial Planning) and Frank...
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Why Are Kids So Expensive These Days?
We’re often invited to speak to student groups about financial planning and I like to end with a few pieces of advice that apply...
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College Savings
With America’s student loan debt growing larger every year, saving for college is on the minds of many of our clients. Whether...
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Putting a Value on Your Social Security Benefits
Key Takeaways: Most retirees don’t think of Social Security as an asset and therefore exclude it from their balance sheet. The...
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The Importance of Asset Allocation and Diversification
Not only has recent market volatility resulted in renewed anxiety for many investors, it has also been a stern reminder of the...
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The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning.