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Andy Reynolds
Brian Burton
Cameron Hamilton
Frank Yozwiak
John Boardman
Team Ballast
Cash Flow Autopilot
The Ballast Atheneum has focused on many aspects of cash flow planning, including budgeting, retirement savings vs. paying down...
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Should Business Owners Raise Their Salary to Earn More Social Security?
Key Takeaways: Pass-through entity owners can choose to take profits as wages or distributions Increasing owner salary raises...
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Alternative Uses of Social Security Income
Key Takeaways:   Many unique situations could justify taking Social Security earlier. The psychological benefits of a...
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After a Historic Boom in Venture Capital, the Well Appears to be Running Dry
By: Brian Burton, CFP® Cash-burning startups are being forced to take on increasing amounts of debt as VC funding dries up With...
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When Too Much Tax Deferral Becomes Counterproductive
. Most of us have been told from early on in our careers to defer as much income as possible to ensure we’ll be properly...
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Simplify Budgeting to One Key Number
“Where does the money go?” is a question we, unfortunately, hear all too often when discussing budgeting and cash flow.  Often...
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Student Loan Forgiveness Best Practices
Key Takeaways: Federal student debt cancellation up to $10,000 ($20,000 for Pell grant recipients) Cancellation limited by income...
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August 2022 Market Update
Listen as John Boardman (Founder and CEO) and Andy Reynolds (COO and Partner) and Cameron Hamilton (Director of Financial Planning...
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A History of the Individual Income Tax in America
Key Takeaways: Individual income taxes are the largest source of revenue for the government  The 16th Amendment...
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Most Couples Shouldn’t BOTH Delay Social Security
Key Takeaways: Two-income households have more complex Social Security timing decisions The higher-earning spouse generally benefits...
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Tax Savings on Company Stock
If you work for a publicly traded company, chances are you can own company stock inside your 401(k) retirement plan.  We’ve seen...
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Putting a Value on Your Social Security Benefits
Key Takeaways: Most retirees don’t think of Social Security as an asset and therefore exclude it from their balance sheet. The...
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We created a resource to help you succeed in your personal financial journey.

The Ballast Atheneum is a collection of our thoughts on the twelve most important topics in financial planning.